Tuesday, November 3, 2009

5 Things I Would Grab If My House Burnt Down

If my house was burning down and I could only grab 5 things, this is what I would grab. First I would grab my dog. This would be for the obvious reason that I love my dog and would not want it to die in a horrible fire. The second thing I would grab would be my guitar. I would grab this because music is one of my greatest passions in life and I could not live with out my guitar. The third Thing I would grab would have to be my skis. Skiing is another thing I really enjoy and I don't think I could go a year without it. The fourth thing I would grab would be my computer because it has alot of important information on it such as e-mails, projects and documents. Lastly I would grab my wallet. I would take my wallet obviously because there is important things in it such as money, my bank card and license which are all things that I need. If my house did burn down these would definitely be the first five things I would grab.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Where The Wild Things Are Movie Review

Although "Where The Wild Things Are" was a bit over hyped and some people may have been let down, it was overall a superb film which has many strong emotions, fantastic special effects and even some humor. Spike Jonze did a wonderful job directing this film and he definitely met expectations with the film. He did a very good of capturing the meaning of the book and of showing the emotions and problems kids go through when they are young. What amazed me was how he took a book that had only 9 sentences in it and expanded it into a full length film. The special effects and costumes were one of the best parts of the film. The costumes that the actors wore for the wild things looked very realistic. The faces were done by CGI but they blended in perfectly with the costumes and you couldn't even tell. Overall I think that the film was very good and I would recommend it to everyone. I would give it an 8/10.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Top 3 Zombies!!!

The Top Three Zombies EVER!!

I will base my criteria these different characteristics:

1. Learning Ability/Intelligence
2. Killing Effectiveness
3. Legitimate Zombiosity (If it stays in the criteria of being a "Zombie")
4. Appearence

#3. Thriller Zombies
The Zombies from Michael Jackson's Thriller get number 3 on my list mostly because of their pure dancing skill. Clearly, because they can dance so well and in unison they must be quite intelligent. They also look quite "zombie" like. That being said, a true zombie craves brains and wants nothing more than to chomp down on someones cranium. These zombies truly lack these cannibalistic qualities. Therefore they are only number 3, because zombies simply cant dance.

#2. Night Of The Living Dead Zombies

One of the classic zombie movies of all time was definitely Night Of The Living Dead. The zombies in this film also perfectly matched most of the qualities a zombie should have. They were dead. They craved human flesh and stopped at nothing to get it. They also fit the physical requirements for a zombie. All this being said they are not as interesting as they could have been. Zombies that can run instead of lumbering around and are more intelligent are more effective in the killing department. This brings us to our number one zombie.

#1. Dawn Of The Dead Zombie's
For me, nothing beats the vicious, fast and terrifying as the zombies from Dawn of the Dead. They perfectly fit all the criteria of what a zombie should be: Dead, cannibals, scary and they've got the looks too. They are even faster than the classic slow moving zombie which increases their killing effectiveness. They are also quite smart and can adapt to things. Because of these reasons, the zombies from Dawn Of The Dead reached number one on my list.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


If I could have ANY superpower in the world, I would have to go with the power of shapeshifting. This would include being able to change into people, animals and even inanimate objects. These power would be extremely useful in any situation. If I needed to get somewhere fast...BANG! Im a cheetaah. If I am threatened or in danger I'll simply become a grizzly bear or other vicious animal of sort (or Mike Tyson). If i needed to do something that required smarts I would turn into someone like Einstien. Of course the most useful thing that I could do would be to turn into the Prime Minister (or president) and make my own laws, such as every tuesday is taco tuesday! I could gain access to anywhere I want by turning into the person who owns the place and I could travel anywhere I wanted by turning into a bird and flying there. That is why the power of transmogrification would be the best power ever!